Favorite Church-Related LGBTQ and Ally Resources
Essays and Books:
Mormon LGBT Questions – Essay by Bryce Cook – https://mormonlgbtquestions.com/
Faith, Hope, Charity and My Son’s Marriage — Essay by Jack Hadley — https://www.jackhadley.com/faith-hope-charity-and-my-sons-marriage/
Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction - Book by Blaire Ostler - https://www.amazon.com/Queer-Mormon-Theology-Blaire-Ostler/dp/1948218410
Listen, Learn and Love – Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints – Book by Richard Ostler – https://www.amazon.com/Listen-Learn-Love-Embracing-Latter-day/dp/1462135773
Goodbye I Love You – Book by Carol Lynn Pearson - https://www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Love-Carol-Lynn-Pearson/dp/1555179843
No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons around our Gay Loved Ones – Book by Carol Lynn Pearson - https://www.amazon.com/No-More-Goodbyes-Circling-Wagons/dp/0963885243
Toward a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology – Essay by Taylor Petrey – https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V44N04_420.pdf
Tabernacles of Clay – Sexuality and Gender in Modern Mormonism – Book by Taylor Petrey - https://www.amazon.com/Tabernacles-Clay-Sexuality-Gender-Mormonism/dp/1469656213
Gay Rights and the Mormon Church – Book by Gregory A. Prince – https://uofupress.lib.utah.edu/gay-rights-and-the-mormon-church/
Websites, Groups and Podcasts:
https://affirmation.org – Affirmation - A non-profit organization working to connect, uplift, and empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Mormons and their allies around the world from all along the spectrums of sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, and involvement with the church.
https://beyondtheblockpodcast.com – Beyond the Block – Weekly podcast where James C. Jones and Derek Knox, a Black life-long member and queer convert, respectively, discuss the scriptures as staunch advocates for the theology and harsh critics of the culture of the church, maintaining that the inner thrust for justice, love, and salvation for all people, regardless of color, sex, orientation, and other identities is not only consistent with the message of Christ, but it *is* the message of Christ.
http://www.blaireostler.com/ – Blaire Ostler is a philosopher who is specialized in queer studies, and is a leading voice at the intersection of queer, Mormon, and transhumanist thought.
https://encircletogether.org – Encircle seeks to deepen and enrich the conversation among communities of faith and LGBTQ+ people. By teaching individuals to love themselves and empowering families, Encircle helps cultivate an environment where LGBTQ+ individuals can thrive.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/human-stories-with-jill-hazard-rowe/id1468623842 – Human Stories Podcast where Jill Hazard Rowe goes in depth with some of today's most inspiring and touching LGBTQ stories.
https://lattergaystories.org – Latter Gay Stories - A podcast and resource center with a simple and organized approach to understanding the intersection of sexuality and reality. An amazing collection of all quotes on LGBTQ matters from church General Authorities since the time of Joseph Smith was compiled by Kyle Ashworth, who manages Latter-Gay Stories. It can be a triggering history to read, but it is crucial to understanding church history and efforts to avoid the mistakes of the past: https://lattergaystories.org/record/ .
https://www.navigatingdiscipleship.com/resources/lgbtq-understanding-doctrine-and-science/ - Caleb Jones maintains a website with content about navigating discipleship. The page titled “LGBTQ Understanding: Doctrine and Science” provides excellent presentations that walk through the progress that has been made in societal, scientific and doctrinal understandings of LGBTQ issues.
https://listenlearnandlove.org – Listen, Learn & Love - Resource site and podcast hosted by Richard Ostler. Fully committed to the success of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not proposing or advocating for changes in the church’s policies or doctrines. But committed to facilitating meaningful, loving, and productive dialogue. LGBTQ guests are frequently interviewed on the podcast.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/love-is-spoken-queer/id1491809605 - Love is Spoken Queer Podcast - Join Dustin Larsen (an active gay church member), Hayden Davis, René Hernandez and their guests each week as they discuss a new gospel topic through a queer perspective.
https://mamadragons.org/ - Mama Dragons - Support, educate, and empower mothers of LGBTQ children.
https://mormonsbuildingbridges.org – Mormons Building Bridges - The MBB ministry is about making every congregation welcoming to LGBTQIA+ people. The MBB community does not center itself around a single leader or organizational body; instead MBB is a movement centered around a sense of ministry and mission. It is not a formal organization and there are no formal members. The MBB ministry embraces and amplifies all thoughtful innovation and collaboration that helps LGBTQIA+ people to thrive.
https://thepeculiar.org – Peculiar - Resource and networking to inspire and empower parents and families to unconditionally love and embrace their LGBTQ+ children.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/questions-from-the-closet/id1504990147 - Questions from the Closet – Podcast where two gay, active Latter-day Saints, Charlie Bird and Ben Schilaty, are joined each week by a guest to discuss common questions from LGBTQ/SSA members of the church. Also check out Ben’s book (https://deseretbook.com/p/walk-in-my-shoes-questions-im-often-asked-as-a-gay-latterday-saint?variant_id=190022-paperback) and Charlie’s book (https://deseretbook.com/p/without-the-mask-coming-out-and-coming-into-gods-light-ppr?variant_id=186572-paperback)